Chris Luchini
Chris LuchiniChair
After the early indiscretions of youth, Chris Luchini has been a lifelong Libertarian. He has been active in Libertarian politics since the 1980s  in various states such as New Mexico, California and Illinois. While the 2016 Johnson campaign manager for Los Alamos County, he lead a very active team to garner the highest vote percentage of any county in the US for Johnson. While Membership Chair of the Libertarian Party of New Mexico, coordinated the accumulation of voter data bases to allow for an efficient campaign for 2017 and 2018 election cycle candidates.He grew up in southern New Mexico and holds a PhD in High Energy Physics. He worked for NASA and Los Alamos National Laboratory before launching his own businesses including a green energy business and a specialty software business for governmental agencies among others.
Laura Burrows
Laura BurrowsFirst Vice Chair
Laura currently serves on University of New Mexico Los Alamos campus Advisory Board, a non-partisan elected position. She has been an educator and researcher at the Smithsonian, the Chicago Field Museum, Director of Education Outreach at the Little Rock Aerospace Education Center, and educator at the Los Angeles Museum of Natural History, and a Board Member of the Pajarito Environmental Education Center.
Frederick J. Snoy, II, MD
Frederick J. Snoy, II, MDSecond Vice Chair
Born and raised in Indianapolis, Indiana, Fred was very fortunate to get an excellent education thanks to the extremely hard work and sacrifice of his parents. He discovered early on he loved the West and attended college in Denver at Regis University. With an eye on being in the medical profession, Fred ended up back in Indiana where he obtained a master’s degree in Cardiac Physiology before attending Indiana University Medical School. Based on the master’s program, he thought he would be a cardiologist, but, a long story later … he ended up specializing in Urology.
Paul McKenney
Paul McKenneyTreasurer
Paul grew up in a conservative household and joined the Air Force at the age of 19.  He spent 6 and half years on active duty including one tour in Iraq and an additional 3 years in the reserves.  Paul was never very interested in politics until he took an economics class in 2015 and heard about Milton Friedman and for the first time heard about libertarianism.  He listen to hours of content from FEE and the Mises Institute.  Shortly he was hooked on the ideas of liberty, and motivated to share.
Phil MachSecretary