As an all-volunteer organization, the Libertarian Party of New Mexico relies on donations of time, talent, and money from people just like you. As a caucus member, you will be entitled to be a member of the voting body at the annual convention.
Join today!
It’s easy to become a Voting member of the Libertarian Party of New Mexico. Just follow these two steps:
- Be registered as a Libertarian in NM. Click HERE to change it.
- Fill out the form below!
If you want to be a free non-voting registered state member click HERE
Why get involved
- Directly support the cause of liberty in New Mexico.
- Get involved with a party that consistently defends and upholds the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
- Belong to the only New Mexico political party that fights for all of your freedoms, all the time.
- Have a say in our party. As a Voting Member, you get to vote on major issues at the state convention.
By clicking Join Now you are agreeing to the statement, "I hereby certify that I do not advocate the initiation of force as a means of achieving political or social goals."